Heartland Acres Staff and Volunteers Pictured L-R: Front Row - Judy Scott, Leanne Harrison, Rosie Henderson, Marilyn Johnson, Hannah Johnson, and Bonnie Davis, Back Row: Craig Johnson, Gary Maurer, Wanda Goins, Gary Henderson, Susan Johnson, Brennan Bell, and Brian Bell. Absent: Jerry Shaffer, Sue Ann Raymond, Trevor Harrison, Cheryl Hand, Jeff Hayward, Shirley Merfeld, Nancy Hoffman, Cheryl Halford, and the whole bunch of folks who work weekends for the Event Center.
Heartland Acres took time recently to recognize the help and support received from the staff and volunteers at a recent pre-spring lunch. With the upcoming travel season not far off, staff and volunteers met to discuss the past 12 months and prepare for the next 12 months. Each member, either paid staff person or volunteer plays an important role in promoting and supporting the mission of the Heartland Acres campus.
Vital to many non-profit organizations is the heart of the staff and volunteers who give their extra time and talent to ensure success and sustainability. Recognition of a meal and a thank you is just one way Heartland Acres can express how much volunteering means to the campus in its daily needs. There are many others not pictured or mentioned today and possibly accidentally left out but are in every way certainly appreciated for their continued efforts and support.
Volunteer support is needed in:
- Grant Writing
- Guest greeters
- Activity planning/support – (tractor ride, conservation activities, animal care, buildings & grounds, etc.)
- School Liaison and outreach
If you’d like to volunteer some time or have a special talent you would like to share a few hours per week with Heartland Acres, please contact:
Craig Johnson